Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween warnings

Tonight, when all the freaks are out, remember these tips to keep your kids safe:
  • Beware of foreign objects in your children's candy. In the past 40 years, there have been 2 cases of children being seriously harmed or killed by foreign objects in their candy. Even scarier, in both cases, it was the child's parent who placed the object in the candy. Many communities offer x-ray scanning of candy, so, for your children's sake, if their candy has been handled by one of their parents, make sure you make use of whatever resources are available to protect them from the dangerous people in your family.
  • There are 0 documented cases of a child being abducted or molested by a convicted sex offender during trick-or-treating. This means that every case of a child being abducted or molested during trick-or-treating was done by someone with no history of sex crimes. Fortunately, most communities require sex offenders to publicly register, so check your local registry, and only allow your kids to visit those houses where you know that a sex offender lives.
Have a Happy (and Safe) Halloween!

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