Saturday, June 9, 2007

Goodbye, Grandma

My grandmother (on my mom's side) died this morning at the age of 100. As much sadness as there is in this, it certainly wasn't unexpected. She's been in poor health for several years. The last time I saw her was at my brother's wedding 4 years ago, and it was really hard on me, because most of the time she wasn't aware of what was going on, and she didn't recognize me most of the time. To see her like that, especially considering the love of life she used to have before her brain gave out, was heartbreaking.

At least she got 20 years more life than most people do. In fact, all of my grandparents have made in into their 90s (at least). If I can keep myself healthy and avoid the Alzheimer's, I should have a very long time to look forward to. Of course, medical science is making advances all the time, so who knows how long I can go if I take care of myself. Some of the big troubles that have plagued my grandparents' generation, like hip/joint trouble, have much better treatments today, and will have even better ones in the future. I'm actually looking forward getting my first bionic implant, because I figure 20-30 years down the road, those things will be even better than the original organic parts, and I want to be a cyborg.

Rest in Peace, Agnes Peters.

1 comment:

Mike said...

100 years is a respectable run, no doubt about that. Condolences on your loss and much optimism for the future.