Thursday, March 1, 2007

A scary realization

The past 6 months are a complete blur for me. I really don't remember most of what I did in that time. I know that significant things did occur. For example, I achieved a Private Pilot's license. I saw a few movies, went to see a few shows. But the months of September and October are a complete loss to me. The only thing that I remember in October was staying home on Halloween.

November isn't much clearer. I remember going to my friend's birthday party and having a lot to drink, and that's about it for the month. Now that I think about it, I remember the times that I've had a lot to drink more than I remember the sober times.

I definitely remember things that have happened, but I'm having a hell of a time remembering when they happened, or what order they happened in.

The past month has been a little better. At least I remember spending a lot of time at work. I even remember coming across some code that someone had written, and trying to figure out who wrote it, only to find, based on the change logs, that I had written it a couple days beforehand.

So I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. One possibility is that I've lost my mind (not such a stretch, really). Another possibility is that my life, with a few exceptional circumstances, was so incredibly mundane that there's nothing to remember. The explanation I'm leaning towards, though, involves a combination of those two factors, with the fact that learning to fly a plane takes a lot of waking up at 6 in the morning (and consequently a lot of lost sleep for a night owl like me).

So what can I do? I've noticed that my blogging, which has never really been very prolific to start with, was nearly nonexistent in that time period. The couple of entries that I had in that time have helped a little bit in reconstructing the events of the past half-year, as have a few entries in my friend's blog that involve me. We'll see if committing myself to more posts will help me reconstruct the soon-to-be past. Now I just need to find something better that "woke up, went to work, had dinner, went to gym, had some drinks, went to bed" ad nauseam.

I really need to get out of town. At this point, all I need is a destination and a couple days free.

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